Oxford University Student Theatre 1963 - 1967
This gallery contains part of my archive of student productions 1963 - 1967 including the Burton/Taylor Dr Faustus and the anti-capital punishment show Hang Down Your Head & Die.
Photo credits are not available but most should be attributed to Oscar Mellor or Studio Edmark.
Photo credits are not available but most should be attributed to Oscar Mellor or Studio Edmark.

The White Devil

Waiting For Godot

Dr Faustus at the Oxford Playhouse 1966

Hang Down Your Head & Die


Tristram Shandy

The Birthday Party

The Horse by Julius Hay

The Visit

You Can't Do Much Without a Screwdriver

The Canterbury Tales

The Consul

The Sicilian Vespers

The Sport of my Mad Mother

The Crucible

Keep This To Yourself

A Weekend Revue

Yours Etcetera

...with all etceteras

High Infidelity
